
Welcome to Teaching Joyfully! I’m glad you’re here. I am a special educator who has taught in public and private schools, and most days I love it:). I realize that when things get tough in the classroom (and in life), I need to intentionally look for joy. This blog is a way that I’ve decided to focus on teaching and living joyfully while looking for beauty in each moment. I would love for you to join me in intentionally looking for joy during your day.

Where have you found joy and beauty today? Did you find joy it in the tiny flowers, in the waves crashing into the sand, in the sunset, in the tiny grains of sand, in a conversation with a friend, in a moment with a student or coworker? Did you see beauty in the hard moments or in the turmoil?

A photo like the one above often uses trees to frame calm waters, but teaching (or life) isn’t always calm! Let’s slow down and find the joy in each moment. In order to do this, it’s often a choice and we need each other to see the joy in some moments. Let’s join together and name the blessings as we continue through this journey of life!

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