Month: January 2014

Monday Moment-Student Success

Wow am I having fun teaching these last few weeks!!  Shhhh….don’t tell me that it’s because I’ve only been there 2 and half days because of snow days;). But, really…I have loved my job the last few days! On Friday, my students had a project due.  We’re studying the Olympics. Check out...

Satisfied Saturday-sadness and joy

Here we are-it’s Saturday again!  Let’s put on those “thankful hats!”  That’s what Satisfied Saturdays are all about.  What can you praise God for today? This is hard, though because as I write this, I’m thinking about some joyful moments that happened at school this week, but I’m also...

Monday Moment of Joy

So Monday has almost come and gone. My first thought is that this Monday moment of joy will be as soon as I climb into bed! It will be that moment where I can close my eyes and rest, but read on. This is what I love about blogging or journaling or just...

Tomorrow’s Monday!!

Ready….Set…..GO!  Monday’s coming! If you’re like me, Sunday night is one of anticipation.  I’m trying to savor those last moments before school begins again.  As I talked with a friend this weekend, we were talking about the importance of spending time with our Savior every day. She reminded me that...


Yesterday in our staff meeting, we talked about helping our students to be grateful.  Our theme for this month at our school is going to be gratitude and kindness. I talked to my students and asked them what they thought “gratitude” meant.  One of them said “well it must...

Satisfied Saturday and Great Friends

What are you grateful for today? Today I’m thankful for long term friends!  I got to meet with one today who I haven’t seen in several years.  We were great friends all the way through school from kindergarten through high school.  We live in different states and have very...

Finding HOPE by moving towards PEOPLE

Today, we’re going to look at how moving towards PEOPLE in the body of Christ can help us find HOPE during the joyful times and during the dark times in our life. When you’re in pain, do you usually want to be around people or would you rather hide out somewhere by yourself?...

Finding HOPE by moving towards PEOPLE

Today, we’re going to look at how moving towards PEOPLE in the body of Christ can help us find HOPE during the joyful times and during the dark times in our life. When you’re in pain, do you usually want to be around people or would you rather hide out somewhere by yourself?...

Monday Moment of Joy

So what was yours today?  Did you wake up to more snow?  Do you have a warm place to be inside?  Did you look outside and see God’s beauty?  Maybe it’s that’s freezing rain or gorgeous white snow on the trees or maybe you’re looking at the beach or a beautiful...

Finding Hope in the New Year-Trusting in God’s Omnipresence

Last time, we thought about how HOPE starts with being HONEST with where you are. He already knows what you’re thinking and feeling. He wants to meet you there! Today we’re going to think about His promise that He will never leave you nor forsake us. The O in HOPE is going to stand for God’s OMNIPRESENCE. He is AWAYS...
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