Overwhelmed with the waves of life (but not submerged)

And just like that…students start this week! Where did the summer go? This Monday moment is looking ahead at another school year.
The last few weeks have been a buzz of energy at school as teachers have come back into their classrooms to set up. As I’ve listened to conversations this week, I’ve heard so much excitement-especially because there’s hope that this year won’t look like the 2020 school year. Yes, there’s been the stress of getting everything completed- the new rooms set up, the bulletin boards, the teacher training for new curriculum, the unpacking of all the boxes for that new curriculum, the class lists and the meetings about students. Then there are the phone calls and meetings with parents to plan for students with support plans- many who benefit from a preview of the classroom or a special time to meet the teacher before the class gets there.
All of these thing bring excitement and yet also cause some anxiety. “Are we going to be ready for the first day?” “Will I be able to teach all the content I’m supposed to teach?” “Will I meet each student’s individual needs?” “Will each student know every day that I care about them and that they belong in my classroom?” “Do I have the energy for another year-especially after LAST year?”
And then….there are the questions for this school year beginning in 2021…
“Will we have to wear masks?” “Will I have to go back to teaching online? (I had hoped we were finished with that!)” “Will my class stay healthy?” “Will my family stay healthy?” “How will I be able to support all of the social/emotional needs of my students who have been through an unprecedented year and a half?” “Do I have to hear the word ‘unprecedented’ any more? Can’t we just have a ‘precedented’ year?” “Will this pandemic ever go away?”
There’s excitement that we can be in person and that some things seem to be getting back to normal, but then there are also SO many things that overwhelm us. Where can we find hope in the midst of all of it?
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you.” Isaiah 43:2 ESV

Our hope comes from HIM! He is with us. He has called us by name. He knows us individually. He knows the waters we’re passing through. These verses don’t say that we won’t pass through the choppy waters. It doesn’t say that we won’t FEEL overwhelmed in the midst of them. It does say that He is with us in the choppy waters. He will guide us through them, and He will not allow them to submerge or crush or defeat us. Let’s look to Him today.
There’s a lot to be overwhelmed about in this world. God reminded me this week that He’s bigger than all of the hard and the brokenness. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I need to remember that He’s got me in the palm of His hand and nothing in this world happens outside of His sovereign plan. Are we taking the time to anchor ourselves in His truth and in His love? How can you do that today?