Thankful Monday
“Great are the works of the Lord. They are pondered by all who delight in the Lord.” Psalm 111:2
So another school year has started for me. I started the day with great positive thoughts and ended it feeling more stressed. Sometimes days (or weeks) just don’t go way I plan!
As I began to think about posting my Monday Moment of Joy, I was having a hard time coming up with thoughts that made sense.
Then I read those words from Scripture. “GREAT are the works of the Lord.” I began thinking….”what are the works of the Lord?” Psalm 111 then says “They are pondered by all who delight in the Lord.” So I was reminded that the act of remembering and pondering God’s great works can give me joy.
So, today I’m just going to make a list – a list of God’s great works. Why don’t you help me make that list? Feel free to comment and add to the list of God’s great works.
Then let’s ponder those together! It will help to put our focus back on Him instead of on our circumstances.
-He saved me.
-He showed me His grace in sending Jesus to die for my sins
-He loves me with an amazing love.
-He gave us His Word.
-He gave us the body of Christ to encourage and sharpen us.
-He gave me a family that loves me and is always there for me.
-He made me unique with gifts and talents that He allows me to use for His glory.
-He gave me a job that I love with a team that I love.
-He knows me inside and out and yet He loves me anyway.
-He gave me friends that help point me to Himself.
-He takes care of His people over the ages. Remember all those times that Israelites walked away from Him or grumbled against Him? He forgave them over and over and continued in relationship with them! He does the same for me!
-He left the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.
What else? There are millions more of His great works! Let’s ponder them together.
There’s peace when we are still and think about Him!